- To introduce the site to Maeve and Eadaoin
- Get an updated in the development of the heritage site
- Review and evaluate the physical space in which the project will be situated
The Visit:
All members of the team were present during the visit. We first met with Mike O Sullivan at 9.30. He caught us up on the new developments of the site plan. He also provided us with a contact number for a historian he has worked with and loaned us a book on Nano Nagle's life titled "One Pace Beyond". After talking with Michael he gave us a tour of the location, while informing us of not only the history but the proposed plans.
Working in the Space:
Our project involves having objects scattered around the heritage site. One of our concerns was if this would be feasible in the space. From our conversation with Michael and seeing the blue prints of the development, it is clear that there are plenty of spaces in which to work. Michael also pointed out that the heritage centre may be the focus of the site however the whole site itself is part of the heritage.
We learnt that there is a plan to build a covered court yard which visitors ail encounter when they first enter the site. Michael expressed interest in having some kind of media display in this area and this is something we would like to take on board and incorporate into our project.
We were also shown where the heritage centre itself will be located. This would proposed area has a lot of space to work with. One of our concerns was having a surface on which we could project upon and there is plenty to be found in the old chapel.

Something to keep in mind the fact that the building in which we are working with are listed and we most also preserve the spiritual integrity of the location. We were also interested in finding out if there was any plans for what would be found in the spaces, however Michael has said that there are none, so we must take the space as a blank canvas.
Overall after visiting the site, we have a clearer understanding of the possibilities of the space in which we can work with.
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